Internatoinal Business Pitching Competition 2023 Oleh Universitas Podomoro

Oleh: Fikri Wantufretd hx p hr . 23 Mei 2023 . 10:41:01

Attention to Future Young Entrepreneurs all over the world!  The most exciting and challenging International Business Idea Pitching Competition is now open for public

Youthpreneur in Action 2023 - The Engine of Growth and Development of The World;US : Make Your Innovation, Be The Change!

Youthpreneur in Action or commonly called as YPIA is an Annual Event held by Podomoro University, an Entrepreneurial University. At this event, All Youngpreneurs will pitch their business idea to professional judges from Real Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship Educators. Besides, it is also the occasion for you Youngpreneurs to create a wide and big network for your future

What are you waiting for Youngpreneurs?Join now! Its FREE OF CHARGE!!

Register here (Due date May, 29th)

For question or information kindly contact us:Irene Intan (+6285811052595)Vilya Mahardika (+6281398858354)IG : @youthpreneur.pu


7 - 31 Maret 2022

Upload Proposal PKM

Batas Akhir Upload Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa

28 Februari - 01 Maret 2019

Pelatihan Karir bagi Alumni & Mahasiswa Semester Akhir

Pukul : 08.00 Wita S.d Selesai
di Gedung UPT. PKM UNG

11 - 24 Januari 2019

Penginputan Proposal PKM Karya Tulis dan PKM GFK

PKM GT (Gagasan Tertulis)
PKM AI (Artikel Ilmiah)
PKM GFK (Gagasan Futuristik Konstruktif)

26 Desember - 08 Januari 2018

Penginputan Proposal PKM 5 Bidang

Batas pemasukkan s/d 08 Januari 2019