Career Training & Counseling

Oleh: Fikri Wantufretd hx p hr . June 25, 2020 . 15:03:49

Various limitations due to the pandemic are not an excuse for students and alumni not to be able to pursue careers in various fields. To be able to encourage the existence of a career in the midst of a pandemic, UPT. PKM programs trainings that aims to improve students' abilities so that they can compete in starting a career.

Career Training & Counseling is carried out online using an application via zoom clouds meeting apps for 3 days from 2 to 4 July 2020.

The training agenda, said Zhulmaydin, will focus on three weighting abilities as the main provisions in a career, namely the provision of foreign language knowledge (TOEFL), TPA skills and psychological provision through counseling training. The training is open to all UNG students and alumni


March 7 - 31, 2022

Upload PKM Proposal

the deadline for uploading pkm proposals